TCM Infertility

TCM is a comprehensive medical system which has been popular for several thousand years.

Acupuncture and herbal formulas have been proven helpful in TCM history for treating problems that occur during pregnancy, and after delivery as well. The following is a list of some of the most common problems that can be treated.

TCM Infertility Acuception

1. During pregnancy

  • Threat of miscarriage

  • Slow fetal growth

  • Morning sickness

  • Constipation or urinary retention

  • Hypertension, convulsion, dizziness (eclampsia)

2. Midwifery

  • Breech presentation (baby not turning)

  • Easier and faster delivery

  • Education of the spouse and assistance of labour (including ear acupuncture)

3. After child-birth

  • Post-natal depression

  • Swelling or joint pain

  • Breast milk (irregular flow)

  • Constipation or urinary problems


“Increase your chance of pregnancy, naturally and economically, with time-tested, evidence-based acupuncture and herbal medicine”

“Increase your success rate with IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) by more than 50% and significantly reduce miscarriage risk”

“Treat and improve other pre-existing disorders or imbalances for the healthy benefit of the baby in the long run”

“Rejuvenate and revitalize your reproductive system for a healthier marriage, life and pregnancy efforts”

Acuception can help to support fertility issues from the planning stage with or without IVF, during the pregnancy and after the delivery.


Fertility and Gynecology in TCM

TCM has a documented history of more than 2,000 years of diagnosing and treating the problems of infertility for both women and men, as well as problems of pregnancy, delivery and post-partum issues.

What is the prognosis of TCM treatment like ?

We are more focused in analyzing the root of problems from the viewpoints of whole person both physically and mentally, life style, occupation and many other factors. We spend considerable time to obtain objective diagnosis and pattern differentiation that can lead to the correct combination of acupuncture points and herbal formulas.

The prognosis or success can vary according to many factors such as history (eg. Endometriosis, ovarian cyst, surgeries), age, partner’s condition or combination with IVF procedure. The shortest case for success was about a 6 week treatment without IVF (37 years old), and the longest treatment was about 14 months with a history of 3 IVF failures. (42 years old).


Some pathological factors often noticed from the viewpoint of TCM are:

1.    Constitutional factors and aging

  • Chronic weakness or fatigue, over-weight or under-weight

  • Typical menstrual patterns: delayed cycle, scanty pale flow

  • TCM diagnosis: more Kidney related

2.    Psychological factors

Over-thinking or worrying mindset that leads to: insomnia and digestive problems

  • Typical menstrual patterns: early, heavy flow discharges

  • TCM diagnosis: more Pancreas and heart related

  • Emotionally sensitive or easily stressed and depressed mindset:

  • Typical menstrual patterns: irregular, heavy or scanty flow and may include cramps

  • TCM diagnosis: more Liver related

3.    Diet / Toxicity

Consumption of long-term cold, greasy or instant and processed foods, food supplements or long-term usage of Birth Control Pills or other medications can also affect liver, pancreas and kidneys.

Internal organs involved in TCM diagnosis of fertility and their relation with the western diagnosis can be interpreted as follows:

  1. Kidney: hormonal factors such as FSH/ LH level, Estrogen/ Progesterone. Early aging of ovary / uterus. Low libido.

  2. Liver: blood factors such as menstrual flows (heavy, scanty, clots), anaemia, muscle tone, toxicity.

  3. Pancreas: energy and fluid factors such as chronic fatigue, abnormal discharges (leucorrhea), digestive or metabolism issues.

Other TCM terms used in the diagnosis are:  Qi (chi), Blood, Dampness/ phlegm.  Excess, deficiency, yin, yang, heat, cold, exterior and interior.


Today’s women and some common factors

Some common characteristics, often found in the clinic, are the similarities in age, history, education level, and types of occupation.

Tendency to get married late, usually after 30’s.

  • This aging factor affects levels of Kidney essence that are vital for the functions and quality of hormones, follicles and eggs.

History of long-term Birth Control Pill usage in early age, often used to control menstrual irregularities, bleeding or pains.

  • This will affect the quality of blood and Kidney essence.

High education level and mentally-oriented occupations

  • The flow and consumption of Qi and Blood is more oriented toward the higher areas of the brain relative to the lower areas of reproduction. Levels of stress are also higher, which can affect the function of the liver.

Acuception can help to support fertility issues from the planning stage with or without IVF, during the pregnancy and after the delivery.