TCM Treatment: Acupuncture & Herbal medicine
Acupuncture is a treatment from the external approach balancing the flow of Qi, blood, fluid and their related internal organs which are connected through more than 14 channels and 361 points.
Acupuncture is administered 2 to 3 times a week in the beginning for the treatment and also for obtaining more diagnosis as well. Treatment frequencies will be reduced progressively as the condition improves and herbal formulas are introduced. Acupuncture is also more emphasized a few days before the retrieval and transfer of eggs.
Acupuncture in Acuception employs the most effective style that has proven in clinical history, and pain-free techniques with the least number of needles.
Even though acupuncture itself is a comprehensive form of TCM treatment, herbal medicine is still the mainstream of TCM history and treatment. Herbal medicine is more effective and quicker in the areas of treating:
Warming or cooling the reproductive system (uterus or testicles)
Increasing the flow of Qi, blood or fluid to to the reproductive system
Thickening and improving the quality of endometrial lining tissues
Increasing or tonifying the functions of ovaries or testicles
Detoxing or adjusting immune responses
Acupuncture and herbal formulas are usually combined in Acuception for the best results in the shortest time.